Contemporary Management(9版)
寫書不容易,出版一本書更是要花費許多心力。讓我們一起向這些偉大的作者、譯者與編輯,致上最高的敬意。 一本好書,不僅內容豐富精彩,文筆生動流暢、深入淺出地具有高可讀性,在讀過後還有一種「讚嘆」的感覺,讓你對世界的認識又提升了一層。 整理了幾本書值得你一看
In the new ninth edition of Contemporary Management by Jones/George continues to provide students the most current and up-to-date account of the changes taking place in the world of business management.
In this revision, the focus is on making Principles of Management relevant and interesting to today’s students―something that we know from instructor and student feedback engages them and encourages them to make the effort necessary to assimilate the text material. This product mirrors the changes taking place in management practices by incorporating recent developments in management theory, research, and by providing vivid, current examples of how managers of companies large and small have responded to the changes taking place.
書 名: Taiwan on the Map- From big city lights to small town sights 英文版觀光小冊,介紹台灣十大觀光小城。 |
書 名: 200 個邊玩邊採買景點大收錄
全台好玩又好買攻略 台灣有許多美麗的地方,從城市、鄉間、老街、林間、田野到海邊…,都非常有特色又好玩,而遊玩後買個當地特色名產回去,不管是當伴手禮還是自己留念,絕對會讓這趟旅程劃下更完美的句點。這次我們就特別規劃全台好玩又好買的行程,有8條推薦行程,帶你邊玩邊買,除此之外還有全台各地好買景點大公開,以及必買伴手禮大特搜,不玩可惜!不買更可惜!快跟著我們ㄧ起上路吧。 |
書 名: 台灣經典高山路線:適合新手的10條百岳路線
身歷山谷中的感動… |